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Rolland Miller



I knew Sandie for probably 20 years, because we both hung out at the Brass Key. We played a lot of darts together (She would always kick my ass). On March 1st 2008 she asks me to go to a birthday party with her, because she didn’t want to go by herself. The rest is history. We were inseparable. We had so much fun together. If I had a bad day at work, she always had a way to cheer me up. Sandie was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She always had a positive attitude about everything. It has been very difficult to watch Sandie suffer so much in the past few months. Sandie, you knew how much you meant to me. You will always have a place in my heart. “LOVE YA!! MS. FLEMING”

Dave Speener
I wrote a song for Sandie about 5 years ago that I was never able to give her. It's called "Heroes and Dreams".

When we were younger, we'd share with each other our innermost secrets and dreams;
You'd be the damsel of a medieval castle
            In a fairytale world of dragons and kings.
You'd promise your heart to the knight who could save you, and the hero would always be me,
Then we'd ride off together, in search of forever, drifting through your fantasy.

You grew up believing that dreams were deceiving, and happiness couldn't be found
In a box of old memories that once held you near me;
             You gave up your need to have heroes around.
But the moments we treasured as children together will always be with you, my friend.
And in the whispering echoes of dragons and heroes, we'll ride off together again.

And in the whispering echoes of dragons and heroes, we'll ride off together again.
Cheryl Miller
I knew Sandie for about 15 years. I met her through darts, but it was the conversations we had that I will remember most.  I am so sorry for the pain and struggles she endured this past year.  She will be missed....
Ruth Davis

Sandie and I had lots of fun on numerous trips we took to Workshops etc for work. Trips to the "Boat"

Sandie always won and I always lost all my money. But we malways had fun!

How fortuunate that Sandie and I got to be roomies in Hawaii.


Lots of good memories!



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